Winter Beer fest 2025
Last week in Tel Aviv, or rather on January 15-16, Hoppy Winter Beer Festival 2025 – took place. This time it was held indoors – it’s winter in Israel! Tickets were still not cheap – about 300 shekels, but this festival was not intended for the public, but for beer fans. That’s why the prices are so high.
Unlike past years, Hoppy Winter 2025 pleasantly surprised, and not just me. To begin with, the sour beer overpopulation that was present at the last festival has disappeared. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who was bothered by it. The variety of types of beer pleasantly surprised me. Eastern European beer prevailed. It is clear that it is cheaper, and in the conditions of crazy price increases in Israel, this is important.
The food points were located right in the hall, which was very convenient. You could enjoy fresh pizza with basil leaves and a selection of diced hard cheese.
There were beer glass wash and cold water taps in various places. As usual, I met a lot of old friends. I was pleasantly surprised by the Protary beer suppliers. They have started to bring back the wonderful Hazelnut ale! Summarizing everything, I just want to say to Koby and his team: Thank you so much! The festival was a great success!!!