Everything related to the history of beer from ancient times to the present day.
There are holidays in the world that make the heart of any beer lover beat faster. One of them is St. Patrick’s Day, which is celebrated annually on March 17. Originally, it was celebrated only on the Emerald Isle as a day of remembrance of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. According to legend, […]
The Israeli Carlsberg brewery (now part of the CBC GROUP), which produces licensed Danish Carlsberg and Tuborg beers, is small in size, producing only about 400,000 hectoliters of beer per year. In the beginning, the brewery brewed only licensed brands of Carlsberg and Tuborg. Then the brewery developed a recipe for non-alcoholic Malty beer. One […]
Guinness, the most popular brand in the world, has always been characterized by aggressive (in a good sense of the word) marketing. When you first arrive in Ireland, you are usually struck by the fact that the whole country is literally painted in black and green colors. The word “Guinness” can be found literally at […]
Our beloved beer was born in the Middle East. It began to be brewed several thousand years ago in that region. Unfortunately, with the emergence of a new religion – Muslimism – it, like other alcohol, was prohibited. At the beginning of the 20th century, the beer situation in the region began to change significantly. […]
One of the reasons for the popularity of beer is that it is very different – each of us can find his beer: by color, taste and, of course, character. For example, the annual spring strong beer festival, Starkbierzeit, is held in Munich for lovers of strong beer. This wonderful tradition dates back to the […]
The human body has an enviable characteristic – it forgets bad things. After all, if we remembered all the pain and unpleasant events that happened to us during all our lives, we would simply go crazy! In addition, we subconsciously embellish our past – because when we were young, everything around us was perceived differently […]
Beer and brewing have been in existence for more than a thousand years. Beer used to be stored in clay amphorae, wooden kegs, but over the years, beer lovers have come to the conclusion that the best container for beer is still a glass bottle. Who was the first to pour beer into glass bottles? […]
Many great ideas come out unexpectedly, literally overwhelming everyone with their simplicity. Sometimes, however, they are the result of long thinking and continuous searching. The American inventor William Painter (1838-1906) had more than 80 patented inventions by the end of the nineteenth century. However, they were not popular due to their specificity and narrow focus […]