A professional brewer and beer taster opens the door to the magical world of beer and tells you about its secrets.
Beer water is what most of the arguments of pseudo beer experts are related to: Do you know why Czech beer is so tasty? – It’s because of the special water! And they are right, but only partly. Water is actually one of the most important ingredients in the preparation of beer, which is at […]
In most people’s subconscious minds, the word Beer is almost always associated with the word hops. What is it and what is its role in the preparation of this heavenly beverage? Hops (Humulus lupulus) are a climbing plant belonging to the cannabis family. Its shoots can climb to a height of several meters The plant […]
The term Beer itself includes different varieties, sometimes radically different from each other in taste, color and aroma. Each of these varieties has its own fans, its own serving ritual and, of course, its own appetizer. Nevertheless, there is something that unites them – common rules of storage and consumption. It is about them that […]
During its long history, many myths and stereotypes have formed around our favorite drink. I want to write about one of them today. As a brewer and taster, I am constantly being asked the same question: why does draft beer taste better than bottled beer? Let’s sort it out together, point by point. I’m not […]
For thousands of years mankind has developed certain rules and traditions. Later, modern judicial laws were written on their basis. Some believe that all these rules of our life are given by the God, some by aliens, and some think that they are the product of years of experience and logic. The main thing is […]
Among the many jobs, the profession of beer taster is surrounded by a certain halo of romance – you should drink beer all day long and receiving a salary for it! What could be better? In fact, this profession is quite ordinary, just with a certain specificity, although I must admit that sometimes it is […]
First part So, we have all the ingredients and we need to make a good beer from them. At first look, it is not difficult at all, but, believe me, only at first… The essence of the process is simple: to extract sugar from malt, let it ferment and drink the resulting alcoholic beverage. I […]
Beer is one of the oldest drinks known to humans. It has been with us since the birth of our civilization. Beer was used to heal, beer was used to pay, and finally beer was simply drunk and enjoyed. Like everything that is truly great, over the years it has become surrounded by various myths […]